May will be arriving in just a few days! This means it is almost Me-Made May!

MMM is a month long challenge with the purpose of encouraging people to wear their handmade garments. It's a personal challenge as you can pick your pledge and choose to do as little or as much as you want. I've followed the flickr group in the past but never took part myself. I'm excited to actually be participating this year!
Here is my pledge:
I, Elizabeth of The College Seamstress ( sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear me-made items only (excluding undergarments and coats/jackets) each day for the duration of May 2014. I will also see how long I can go before repeating an outfit.
I wear a lot of my handmade clothes already, so I wanted to make my pledge a bit challenging. There are things I don't wear, so this will be great incentive for me to wear them. Although posting pictures aren't necessary as part of the challenge, I also plan to post weekly updates on my blog and post in the flickr and/or pinterest group.
If you want to read more about Me-Made May or sign up with your own pledge you can go to Zoe's post here.
Are you participating in MMM '14? What is your pledge?
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