
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Me Made May // Week Five

Day 25: 

This outfit was a repeat...I wore it back at the beginning of May, but I needed something comfy to wear. I had worked two overnights in a row and slept for a good part of the day, so this dress was perfect. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Torii Tunic

Here is one of my newest creations! It is the Torii Tunic from Kay Whitt of Serendipity Studio. I have made many of her patterns and she is still one of my very favorite designers. This particular pattern is one of her older ones that I received for my birthday right after I was getting interested in sewing clothing. That was about four or five years ago and I just now made it for the first time! I actually planned on using the fabric for a different dress, but there was just enough to make the Torri Tunic, so it was all meant to be! 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Me Made May // Week Four

Wow! It's hard to believe we're done with the fourth week of May already! One more to go! Here's what I wore this week.

Day 18:

Friday, May 23, 2014

Parisian Top and Maxi Skirt // Made by my Mom

Today, I am sharing some sewing projects made by my mom. Recently she made a very pretty Parisian Top and green knit skirt for herself. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Me Made May // Week Three

It's already the end of week 3 for Me Made May! It was another successful week for me although some days were really hard to put outfits together. I did get some sewing done this week and plan on blogging some of my projects as soon as I can get some pictures. I wore a lot of knit clothing this week - it is my favorite to wear because it is so comfortable!

Day 11:

Reversible Shoreline Boatneck Top (unblogged) 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Me Made May // Week Two

Another week of Me-Made-May is down, so it's time for another round-up of what I wore!

Day 4:

Top: Reversible Shoreline Boatneck in cotton gauze (unblogged)
Skirt: Fiona Faux Wrap Skirt (unblogged)

I really love this outfit and it is one I would not have worn if I wasn't participating in MMM! I made the skirt about 3 years ago when I first got into sewing clothing, but I have only worn it once or twice. Part of the problem is I don't have very many tops that go with it and it is cotton, so it's not a great choice for MN winters. I will be wearing it more this summer now that I know I actually like wearing it!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Me Made May // Week One

Me-Made-May '14 has gotten off to a great start! I plan to do weekly round up posts of my outfits and I thought Saturday would be a good day to do these. It's my first year participating and I'm really enjoying it so far! Even though I wear a lot of me-made clothing already it has been interesting to plan my outfits each day because my pledge was to wear only me-made items all month long. So far it has been going well but it is only the third day!

I'm also hoping that I will wear some of my me-made items that just sit in my closet and never get worn. Then I will be able to see if I should really keep holding on to them or not.

Here's what I've been wearing this month: