
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Me Made May // Week One

Me-Made-May '14 has gotten off to a great start! I plan to do weekly round up posts of my outfits and I thought Saturday would be a good day to do these. It's my first year participating and I'm really enjoying it so far! Even though I wear a lot of me-made clothing already it has been interesting to plan my outfits each day because my pledge was to wear only me-made items all month long. So far it has been going well but it is only the third day!

I'm also hoping that I will wear some of my me-made items that just sit in my closet and never get worn. Then I will be able to see if I should really keep holding on to them or not.

Here's what I've been wearing this month:

May 1, 2014: 

I wore my Diane Kimono Tunic Top (unblogged) and my polka dot Route 66 skirt (blogged here). I also wore RTW leggings because it was cold!

The top was made a couple summers ago and even though I love wearing it, I haven't worn it much because I never know what to wear with it. I think this combination worked well! 

I made the skirt a year and a half ago and it has gotten a ton of wear! I've worn it so much that the denim is starting to fade. 

May 2, 2014

I wore my Casual Lady top (blogged here) with a simple grey knit skirt (unblogged). 

This was a very comfortable outfit for my lazy Friday and both the top and skirt have gotten a lot of wear (especially in the summer). 

May 3, 2014

Today I am wearing one of my Lady Skater dresses (blogged here). Leggings are RTW. I usually find myself wearing one of these dresses at least once a week. They are just so comfortable and easy to wear.

How is Me-Made-May going for you? I'm looking forward to what the rest of the month will bring!



  1. Love your outfits- especially your Lady Skater dress- great colour choices! You look very ready spring, hopefully it will get warm enough soon that you can ditch the leggings! :)

  2. Looks like a great start Elizabeth! I really like that Diane Kimono Tunic Top; It is very pretty and flattering.

    Good luck with your MMM14!

  3. Looks like a successful first MMM for you. It's my first one too! Really enjoying it and have already dug out some long lost items that are now seeing the light again.....
