
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to my blog readers! I have missed this little spot and decided it was time to come back. I hope you all had a very nice and blessed Easter. We had a nice Easter - just our family but it was relaxing. The weather was not the warmest but the snow held off and we were able to have an egg hunt outside.

I did not get around to making new Easter dresses for all the girls - I did make my littlest sister's dress. I wore my graduation dress from last year and Miss K wore a new RTW skirt.

For Miss V's dress, I went with the TNT Sally Dress pattern. I have made this pattern quite a few times for her and I love the style. It is simple and fairly quick to sew and a great dress for a little girl. I made V's Easter dress last year from the same pattern.

Compared to last year, Miss V is much bigger and so I made a size 3T. I wanted the dress to fit her for awhile, so I measured the length from her waist - this was a mistake however because the bodice seam starts near the chest not the waist! This just goes to show anyone can make a mistake even on a pattern you've made several times.

The dress would've come to above her knees had I left the length. I was able to fix it by cutting a band to add to the bottom and I covered up the seam with rickrack. It looks great and the white rickrack really adds some nice detail to the skirt!

The fabric is some rayon challis from my stash and it's not pink, but Miss V agreed to it right away! I think it looks lovely on her. It was not lovely to cut and sew though. The fabric slipped while cutting making it difficult to cut a straight line. Once I sewed the bodice together the sewing went much smoother. 

Although she may not look happy in these pictures, she really likes her dress! She was tired, but I am glad she enjoys wearing things I make for her - she can be a very picky 3 year old sometimes. 



  1. Your family is beautiful, and your little sister is adorable!!! 😊😊😊

  2. Happy belated Easter Elizabeth! You have such a large, wonderful family. I love the dress on your little sister - she is such a doll! Take care!
