
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Me Made May 2015 // My Pledge


Me-Made-May is almost here! I participated in this challenge for the first time last May and I really enjoyed it because it challenged me to wear the clothes I make more often. I am looking forward to participating again this year.

My pledge is as follows: 

 'I, Elizabeth of The College Seamstress, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear only me-made garments each day for the duration of May 2015. I will also be cleaning out my closet during the month of May in order to re-evaluate my wardrobe. '

Last year, my pledge was to wear only handmade clothes and I accomplished that task. I still wear my handmade clothes on a daily basis with 95% of my outfit being handmade. However, I usually wear my favorites and there are certain handmade items in my closet that have been deprived of seeing the light of day. :)

I have been wanting to clean out my closet for a long time, so hopefully this challenge will give me the encouragement to do that! I will update you on how that goes because I always find it extremely difficult to get rid of things I made (even if I never wear them). Hopefully, cleaning out my closet will help me discover holes in my wardrobe to guide my future sewing projects.

Are you participating in Me-Made-May? You can read more and sign up here.



  1. oooh, that is a good pledge. I'm totally copying your "clean out the closet" part ;-)
    Good luck Elizabeth!

  2. Wow, your pledge is hardcore! I'm impressed! One day I hope to wear all me-made garments everyday. I'm getting there but have a lot more sewing to go. :) Good luck and have fun this month!

  3. Elizabeth! You've been nominated for the "Leibster Award!" over at my blog! :)


  4. Good on you Elizabeth. I regularly go through my wardrobe. I find by putting my coat hangers in back to front and then checking which items have not been worn, I can evaluate what items are working.
    Good luck!
    xx N
