
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Snow and Sewing

The weather in Minnesota has been interesting. It was starting to feel like spring - the sun was shining, the snow was melting and it was so warm outside! Then on Sunday night it started snowing and it kept snowing through Monday. I was so happy because all but one of my classes were cancelled, including my 8am class and my midterm was postponed!
I thought the snow looked so pretty on the trees and in the bluffs, so I took some pictures on my way to school.


Because of my "snow day" I took some time to start on my Covert Robin project. It's a secret, so I can't tell you what I'm making yet, but I took pictures so you can guess all you want. :-)

It was so nice to sew again! I haven't touched my sewing machine since before the semester started! There are only two days standing between me and spring break, and I plan to do as much sewing as possible!
Since I haven't had much time to sew, I went fabric shopping instead. :) I bought some knit from the Fabric Fairy because they were having a sale and I have been eyeing some of the fabric for a long time. I'll show you what I bought and what I plan to make with it soon!
What have you been sewing lately?



  1. I was really getting worried Saturday when the snow was melting because of the warmth. We had a ton of flooding here (including our yard and over driveway). The sunday-monday snow was soooo pretty but it brought down a lot of trees and branches here :(

    I'm excited to see what you are making with the knits you picked up!!! I loved my Fabric Fairy purchase ~ It helps that it is located in Wisconsin with me! LOL.

    Good luck with your last two days of school before the break!

  2. Hi Elizabeth! I love your blog! Looks like some fun stuff will come out of here for the SONP2013!! Happy sewing! xo Corey
