
Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall Fashion Challenge - Day 6

Shirt: thrift store
Plaid skirt: gift from my mom
boots: thrift store

Today's challenge was to wear a fall trend. I chose to wear plaid. My mom just surprised me with the skirt last week. I think it may be one of my new favorite skirts for fall. It's flannel and perfect for the chilly weather here! I added the pink shirt so there would be color in my outfit. What do you think?

Fall Fashion Challenge - Day 5

Today is actually day 6 of the fall fashion challenge over at Bramblewood Fashion, but I didn't have time to take pictures, as I was driving home from college most of the day so I could spend the weekend at home! My pictures are much better this time. My mom was very nice and took them for me. Day 5 was polka dots, but I don't have any polka dots in my wardrobe, so I wore a skirt with a large print on it.

Shirt: thrift store
skirt: gift from my mom
boots: thrift store

Today's challenge, is favorite fall trends and I'll post about that soon!


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Fashion Challenge - Day 1

Hello, dear neglected blog! It's been four months since I've last posted, but I am back. I recently came across Bramblewood Fashion. It is a lovely blog, and Ashley, the blog owner is hosting a fashion week, where you post pictures of your outfits. I've decided to participate. Today there is no challenge; you could wear whatever you like. Below are pictures of my outfit. I'm sorry for the quality of the pictures. I was having a very hard time with the self-timer and my poorly lit room!

Skirt: Coldwater Creek, gift
Shirt: Thirft store
Boots: recent thrift store find! $4

Up close picture of one boot

I hope you enjoy these pictures! As this is my sewing blog, I'm hoping to post about some projects I did over the summer. College is keeping me busy, but I'll try not to neglect my blog!
